Course curriculum

    1. Creating a PivotTable, Using Subtotals and Grandtotals

    2. PivotTables Columns and Row Totals

    3. PivotTables Styles and Grand Total Calculation

    4. Setting up a Relationship in PivotTables

    5. PivotTables Using Percentages

    6. Advantages of using Tables to Create PivotTables

    7. PivotTable Use Timeline for Dates

    8. PivotTables - 3 Things That Drive Users Crazy

    9. How to Group Text in a PivotTable

    10. Using Multiple Filters in a PivotTable

    11. Grouping Data with XLOOKUP

    12. Saving a PivotTable without Source Data

    13. 6 Easy tips for the PivotTable Field List

    1. Data Validation: Getting Started

    2. Data Validation: Advanced - Using the INDIRECT Function

    3. Protecting Cells in a Worksheet

    1. IF Function: Getting Started

    2. IF Functions with AND / OR Functions

    3. Creating Nested IF Functions

    4. IFERROR Function

    1. Financial Functions: Getting Started

    2. TEXTSPLIT Function

    3. IMAGE Function

    4. GCD Function - Greatest Common Denominator

    5. 3 Functions demonstrated: CONCATENATE, CHAR and TEXTJOIN

    6. RATE Function example

    7. SORT and UNIQUE functions

    8. GROUPBY Function

    9. IF / AND / OR Functions

    10. Removing Duplicates with PowerQuery

    11. EOMONTH (End of Month) Function

    12. TEXTBEFORE and TEXTAFTER (combined)

    13. DATE Function

    14. INT function (Split date and time)

    15. VALUE function

    16. UNIQUE and FILTER functions combined

    17. VSTACK and HSTACK for data organisation


    19. TOCOL Function

    20. TOROW Function

    1. Data Tables: One Input Tables

    2. Data Tables: Two Input Tables

About this course

  • $14.99
  • 81 lessons
  • 5.5 hours of video content

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